McCollough Consulting LLC (MC) puts forth good faith efforts to maintain the privacy and security of its own and client or potential client data and contracts only with reputable organizations for data storage, backup, and transmission.
Client records are regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party, other than associates of MC and if legally required to do so to the appropriate authorities.
Clients have the right to request sight of, and copies of, any and all client records we keep, on the proviso that we are given reasonable notice of such a request. Clients are requested to retain copies of any literature issued in relation to the provision of our services.
We will not sell, share, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services and products.
MC regularly executes non-disclosure agreements with clients and potential clients, using industry-standard terms and conditions. All contractors/agents of MC fall under this non-disclosure agreement and have executed a corresponding non-disclosure agreement with MC.
MC employs unique passwords for online accounts to isolate and minimize the potential footprint and impact of a data breach.
MC generally employs two-factor authentication to limit access to unauthorized or unknown users or devices.
MC client and potential client data is stored in a U.S. cloud-based platform and replicated locally on an as-needed basis.
All MC data is automatically and regularly backed up to a U.S. cloud-based platform in an encrypted format.
All MC email is accessed, stored, and backed up on a cloud-based platform and only accessible on authorized and protected devices.
MC relies solely on Apple devices with iCloud security enabled, including remote lock and remote wipe capabilities (see Apple iCloud privacy and security policies here).
MC has minimal reliance on physical/hard copy files during a client engagement. At the conclusion of a project, MC retains no physical/hard copy files related to any client engagement, except for invoices, expense receipts, and other documents related to state and federal tax filings, none of which contain client confidential information.
All MC devices are wiped clean and restored to factory settings before disposal or redeployment, to ensure no data is retained.
MC may, from time to time, unless otherwise restricted, include client organization names in a general client roster, without reference to the nature or scope of work. Inclusion in such lists does not imply endorsement or recommendation of MC services.