Digital Marketing Agency

"From web design to content development to firm-wide operational enhancements, her creativity and innovative solutions helped us bring a successful brand refresh to the marketplace. Quite literally, we could not have done it without her."

Jennifer Dolan, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer, Katten


October 3, 2023
Marketing Apps Roundup: Smartsheet for Law Firms

I was asked to speak at a conference about how law firm marketing departments are using Smartsheet. I've posted a set of use cases here.

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July 25, 2022
Professional Video Production: Planning and Strategy

Detailed strategy, logistics, and planning tips for your next law firm video production.

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May 23, 2022
Project Managing Your Law Firm Rebrand

Here are 10 key lessons I've learned from project managing law firm rebrands over the years. (This post isn't about the positioning, messaging, or design strategy elements of a rebrand. This is about how to project manage your law firm rebrand. How to keep the multitude of sub-projects moving in parallel so that you can […]

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"Her deep understanding of customer experience and web, coupled with her experience as a CMO, is a powerful combination, helping us deliver student-focused content and meaningful experiences across our digital platforms."

Shelley Rodgers, Chief Communications Officer, 
University of Michigan Law School

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